Monday, September 8, 2008

Orchard White Clams

We might not be doing a great job at posting recipes to go with our beers (we're working on that, I promise), but Phil over at My Life as a Foodie is making up for it!  Phil featured Orchard White on his most recent episode, and used it as the base broth for cooking clams.  Now I know Orchard White goes with shellfish-- sounds good to me!  If you haven't listened to this Podcast, you really should.  It's funny, informative, and inspires me to try new recipes when I cook.  Thanks Phil!

1 comment:

Rob Everest said...

We just had the new Trade Winds Tripel (made with Rice & Thai Basil) with homemade sushi [spiced tuna rolls, sake (salmon) nigiri, unagi (eel), and roe]... and it was FANtastic.