I just realized I haven't been plugging the Trade Winds Tripel as much as I should be, given that it's my new favorite beer and we released it about two weeks ago!
A very late summer seasonal, perhaps even an Indian summer seasonal (crap, why didn't I put that on the label!), Trade Winds Tripel is a Belgian-style Golden Ale brewed with the Asian-inspired ingredients Thai basil and rice. For those of you who swore off drinking beer with rice, it's about time to consider your choices again. Don't blame it on the rice, it's the boring beer the rice is in!
The Thai basil comes through in the aroma as a flowery, almost hop-derived, and the rice imparts a coconut-like quality. In the flavor, the malt contributes a hint of sweetness, with the Thai basil delivering unmistakeable herbal and floral qualities, and the rice giving a hint of coconut-like creaminess in the finish. The relatively high carbonation and the dryness of this beer keep it immensely drinkable.
I've heard several people call it a dangerous beer on various occasions for its high drinkability while maintaining a respectable 8.1% ABV. Dangerously delicious, perhaps. Dangerous after guzzling two bottles and deciding to drive around on Labor Day weekend? Definitely.
If you get the chance, I'd recommend enjoying one over this Labor Day weekend. Be safe so you can go back to work on Tuesday!
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